
● 中級(C) - Lesson 4 - 造句

 (1) 我經常親自煮中國菜。    
I Chinese food .
I oftenO  cookO  Chinese food myselfO  

 (2) 我昨晚去Joan's吃美國菜。    
I to Joan's American food last night.
I wentO  to Joan's toO  eatO  American food last night.

 (3) 我已經節食一段時間了。    
I been on a diet a while.
I haveO  been on a diet forO  a while.

 (4) 我還沒有節食過。    
I been on a diet .
I haveO  notO  been on a diet yetO  

 (5) 我昨天不想吃太多。    
I not to eat too much yesterday.
I didO  not wantO  to eat too much yesterday.

 (6) 我只點了義大利麵和蔬菜湯。    
I only spaghetti and vegetable soup.
I only orderedO  spaghetti and vegetable soup.

 (7) 它們是如此地美味,以致於我胃口大增。    
They so delicious that I a good appetite.
They wereO  so delicious that I hadO  a good appetite.

 (8) 我也吃了一塊蛋糕和一球冰淇淋當甜點。    
I also a of cake and a of ice cream dessert.
I also ateO  a pieceO  of cake and a scoopO  of ice cream forO  dessert.

 (9) 我覺得我吃太多了。    
I that I too much.
I thinkO  that I ateO  too much.

 (10) 我應該要多運動。    
I exercise more.
I shouldO  exercise more.



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