
● 中級(C) - Lesson 14 - 造句

 (1) 你們正在談論什麼?    
you about?
WhatO  areO  you talkingO  about?

 (2) 我們正在談論聖誕節前夕的派對。    
We about the Christmas Eve party.
We areO  talkingO  about the Christmas Eve party.

 (3) 他會穿什麼去派對?    
he wear to the party?
WhatO  willO  he wear to the party?

 (4) 他還沒有決定。    
He yet.
He hasn’tO  decidedO  yet.

 (5) 你給了她什麼?(時態:過去式)    
you give ?
WhatO  didO  you give herO  

 (6) 我已經給了她一頂帽子。(時態:現在完成式)    
I her a hat.
I haveO  givenO  her a hat.

 (7) 他會是一個牛仔。    
He a cowboy.
He willO  beO  a cowboy.

 (8) 他會是派對中最英俊的男孩。    
He the most handsome boy the party.
He willO  beO  the most handsome boy atO  the party.

 (9) 你也會來嗎?    
you , too?
WillO  you comeO  too?

 (10) 每個人都會來。    
Everyone .
Everyone willO  comeO  



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