
● 中級(C) - Lesson 13 - 造句

 (1) 你正在讀什麼?    
you ?
WhatO  areO  you readingO  

 (2) 我正在讀約翰‧濟慈的詩。    
I John Keats’ poems.
I amO  readingO  John Keats’ poems.

 (3) 約翰‧濟慈是誰?    
John Keats?
WhoO  isO  John Keats?

 (4) 他是哪一年生的?    
he born in?
WhichO  yearO  wasO  he born in?

 (5) 他1795年生於倫敦。    
He born London 1795.
He wasO  born inO  London inO  1795.

 (6) 你是做什麼的?(時態:現在式)    
you do?
WhatO  doO  you do?

 (7) 在我完成我的學業後,我決定成為一位詩人。    
After I my studies, I to be a poet.
After I finishedO  my studies, I decidedO  to be a poet.

 (8) 她很快地成為一位重要的詩人。(時態:過去式)    
She soon an important poet.
She soon becameO  an important poet.

 (9) 他死於哪一年?    
he die?
WhichO  yearO  didO  he die?

 (10) 他在二十五歲的時候去世。    
He the age of twenty-five.
He diedO  atO  the age of twenty-five.



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