
● 中級(C) - Lesson 11 - 造句

 (1) 你想去哪裡?    
you to go?
WhereO  doO  you wantO  to go?

 (2) 他想去美國旅行。    
He to a trip to .
He wantsO  to takeO  a trip to AmericaO  

 (3) 你可以給他一些意見嗎?    
Could you some advice?
Could you giveO  himO  some advice?

 (4) 他去過那裡。(時態:現在完成式)    
He there.
He hasO  beenO  there.

 (5) 我們在那裡玩得很愉快。    
We a good time .
We hadO  a good time thereO  

 (6) 沿著海灘也有很多不錯的咖啡館。(時態:現在式)    
also many nice coffee shops along the beaches.
ThereO  areO  also many nice coffee shops along the beaches.

 (7) 他們在那裡花了很多錢嗎?    
they a lot of money there?
DidO  they spendO  a lot of money there?

 (8) 他們花了多少錢?    
did they spend?
HowO  muchO  did they spend?

 (9) 我停留了三天只花了一萬元。    
I days and only spent one thousand .
I stayedO  forO  threeO  days and only spent one thousand dollarsO  

 (10) 他決定去那裡旅行。(時態:現在式)    
He to a trip there.
He decidesO  to takeO  a trip there.



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