
● 中級(B) - Lesson 7 - 造句

 (1) 你出生在哪一年?    
you born in?
WhichO  yearO  wereO  you born in?

 (2) 他們1877年出生於美國。    
They born America in 1877.
They wereO  born inO  America in 1877.

 (3) 她幾歲?    
is she?
HowO  oldO  is she?

 (4) 他們是誰?    
are they?
WhoO  are they?

 (5) 他們都是很棒的現代舞老師。(時態:過去式)    
They great teachers modern dance.
They wereO  great teachers ofO  modern dance.

 (6) 他帶了很多新想法進入舞蹈。    
He many new ideas the dancing.
He broughtO  many new ideas intoO  the dancing.

 (7) 我相信舞蹈有其生命。(時態:過去式)    
I that dance life itself.
I believedO  that dance isO  life itself.

 (8) 舞蹈來自哪裡?    
dance come from?
WhereO  doesO  dance come from?

 (9) 舞蹈來自內心。    
Dance the heart.
Dance comesO  fromO  the heart.

 (10) 現在人們仍舊從這位偉大的老師得到新的想法。    
Now people still new ideas from this great teacher.
Now people areO  still gettingO  new ideas from this great teacher.



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