
● 中級(B) - Lesson 6 - 造句

 (1) 今天天氣很好。(時態:過去式)    
The weather good .
The weather wasO  good todayO  

 (2) 我們在公園裡野餐。(時態:過去式)    
We a picnic the park.
We hadO  a picnic inO  the park.

 (3) 我們在樹上看到一隻猴子。(時態:過去式)    
We a monkey the tree.
We sawO  a monkey onO  the tree.

 (4) 那隻猴子看起來既渴又餓。(時態:過去式)    
The monkey thirsty and hungry.
The monkey lookedO  thirsty and hungry.

 (5) 你給了牠什麼?    
you give it?
WhatO  didO  you give it?

 (6) 我給了牠一些香蕉和一瓶水。    
I it bananas and a of water.
I gaveO  it someO  bananas and a bottleO  of water.

 (7) 我給了那隻猴子一塊沾上辣椒醬的麵包。    
I the monkey a of bread chili sauce.
I gaveO  the monkey a pieceO  of bread withO  chili sauce.

 (8) 那隻猴子快樂地吃麵包。(時態:過去式)    
The monkey the bread .
The monkey ateO  the bread happilyO  

 (9) 牠覺得辣。(時態:過去式)    
It hot.
It feltO  hot.

 (10) 我們很生氣,並追著他。(時態:過去式)    
We angry and after .
We wereO  angry and ranO  after himO  



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