
● 中級(B) - Lesson 5 - 造句

 (1) 她得到駕照了。    
She a driver's license.
She gotO  a driver's license.

 (2) 她打算買車嗎?    
she going to a car?
IsO  she going to buyO  a car?

 (3) 喬上週為她訂了一輛AUX。    
Joe an AUX for last week.
Joe orderedO  an AUX for herO  last week.

 (4) 你是個好丈夫。    
You a good husband.
You areO  a good husband.

 (5) 他知道現在開藍色的AUX真的很時髦。    
He that it's really fashionable now to a blue AUX.
He knowsO  that it's really fashionable now to driveO  a blue AUX.

 (6) 他的是白色的。    
is white.
HisO  is white.

 (7) 黑色也很好看。    
is beautiful .
BlackO  is beautiful tooO  

 (8) 很難保持乾淨。    
is hard to keep .
ItO  is hard to keep cleanO  

 (9) 不要買那輛車。    
Don't that car.
Don't buyO  that car.

 (10) 我會每天洗車。    
I will the car every day.
I will washO  the car every day.



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