
● 中級(B) - Lesson 12 - 造句

 (1) 我可以跟林先生說話嗎?    
I to Mr. Lin?
MayO  I speakO  to Mr. Lin?

 (2) 他們現在不在辦公室裡。    
They not the office now.
They areO  not inO  the office now.

 (3) 他們現在在哪裡?    
they now?
WhereO  areO  they now?

 (4) 她也不在辦公室裡。    
She in the office, .
She isO  notO  in the office, eitherO  

 (5) 你什麼時候會回來?    
you be back?
WhenO  willO  you be back?

 (6) 我在十分鐘內會回來。    
I be back in ten minutes.
I willO  be back in ten minutes.

 (7) 我可以留一些信息給他嗎?    
I some message to ?
MayO  I leaveO  some message to himO  

 (8) 他正在找什麼?    
is he for?
WhatO  is he lookingO  for?

 (9) 他正在找你們的商品。    
He your goods.
He isO  lookingO  forO  your goods.

 (10) 你可以請她大約在十一點的時候給我一通電話嗎?    
you to give a call around eleven o’clock?
CanO  you askO  herO  to give meO  a call around eleven o’clock?



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