
● 中級(A) - Lesson 6 - 造句

 (1) 他知道她不滿意他糟糕的成績。    
She unhappy about his poor grades.
She isO  unhappy about his poor grades.

 (2) 他對此感到抱歉。    
He sorry that.
He isO  sorry forO  that.

 (3) 他答應他會更用功讀書。    
He’ll harder.
He’ll studyO  harder.

 (4) 他可以自己在家裡讀書嗎?    
Could he study home ?
Could he study atO  home byO  himselfO  

 (5) 他不喜歡去補習班。    
He like to to the cram school.
He doesn'tO  like to goO  to the cram school.

 (6) 它無法幫助他。    
It help him.
It can’tO  help him.

 (7) 他將不會看電視和玩電腦遊戲。    
He won’t TV and computer games.
He won’t watchO  TV and playO  computer games.

 (8) 他會做他的功課。    
He'll homework.
He'll doO  hisO  homework.

 (9) 她會好好利用她的時間。    
She'll time well.
She'll useO  herO  time well.

 (10) 他將會做得更好。    
He’ll do .
He’ll do betterO  



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