
● 中級(A) - Lesson 14 - 造句

 (1) 他今天好嗎?    
he today?
HowO  isO  he today?

 (2) 他今天看起來很棒!    
He great today!
He looksO  great today!

 (3) 那是一件新洋裝嗎?    
that a new dress?
IsO  that a new dress?

 (4) 誰買了一件洋裝給她?    
a dress for ?
WhoO  boughtO  a dress for herO  

 (5) 我們的爸爸買它給我們。    
Our dad it for .
Our dad boughtO  it for usO  

 (6) 它顯示出好品味。(時態:現在式)    
It good taste.
It showsO  good taste.

 (7) 處女座以他們的品味出名。    
Virgos famous for taste.
Virgos areO  famous for theirO  taste.

 (8) 誰挑了這件洋裝?(時態:過去式)    
this dress?
WhoO  choseO  this dress?

 (9) 她自己挑了這件洋裝。    
She the dress .
She choseO  the dress herselfO  

 (10) 我只是付帳。    
I just the bill.
I just paidO  the bill.



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