
● 中級(A) - Lesson 11 - 造句

 (1) 她是誰?(時態:現在式)    
WhoO  isO  she?

 (2) 他是我的同學。(時態:現在式)    
He classmate.
He isO  myO  classmate.

 (3) 他的手總是很髒。(時態:過去式)    
hands always dirty.
HisO  hands wereO  always dirty.

 (4) 你什麼時候告訴他們的?    
you tell ?
WhenO  didO  you tell themO  

 (5) 他應該洗他的手,但是他無法理解。    
He should wash hands, but he could not understand.
He should wash hisO  hands, but he could not understand.

 (6) 昨天他在哪裡?(時態:過去式)    
he yesterday?
WhereO  wasO  he yesterday?

 (7) 我帶他去了廁所。    
I the washroom.
I tookO  himO  toO  the washroom.

 (8) 你洗了她的手。    
You hands.
You washedO  herO  hands.

 (9) 她應該保持自己乾淨。    
She should clean.
She should keepO  herselfO  clean.

 (10) 我們做了一個月。(時態:過去式)    
We that one month.
We didO  that forO  one month.



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