
● 中級(A) - Lesson 10 - 造句

 (1) 下星期日是母親節。(時態:現在式)    
Next Sunday Mother’s Day.
Next Sunday isO  Mother’s Day.

 (2) 學校將會有很多活動。    
many activities at school.
ThereO  willO  beO  many activities at school.

 (3) 其中之一是家長日。    
One of PTA Day.
One of themO  isO  PTA Day.

 (4) 媽媽和爸爸下星期三會來。    
Mom and Dad next .
Mom and Dad willO  comeO  next WednesdayO  

 (5) 他有一點緊張。(時態:現在式)    
He a little nervous.
He isO  a little nervous.

 (6) 你會告訴他什麼?    
will you tell ?
WhatO  will you tell himO  

 (7) 她是我們的新音樂老師。    
She our new music teacher.
She isO  our new music teacher.

 (8) 她昨天教我「母親」─一首美麗的歌曲。    
Yesterday she “Mother,” a beautiful song.
Yesterday she taughtO  meO  “Mother,” a beautiful song.

 (9) 你昨天有練習它嗎?    
you it yesterday?
DidO  you practiceO  it yesterday?

 (10) 它對媽媽們將會是一個特別的禮物。    
It a special present mothers.
It willO  beO  a special present forO  mothers.



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