
● 初級(D) - Lesson 9 - 造句

 (1) 他待會兒會做什麼?    
he do later?
WhatO  willO  he do later?

 (2) 他今晚想和你去看電影嗎?    
he to to the movie with tonight?
WouldO  he likeO  to goO  to the movie with youO  tonight?

 (3) 他想去,但是他必須照顧他的妹妹。    
He’d to, but he to care of sister.
He’d likeO  to, but he hasO  to takeO  care of hisO  sister.

 (4) 她可以帶他和你們去看電影。    
She can to the movie with .
She can takeO  himO  to the movie with youO  

 (5) 她不這麼想。    
She so.
She doesn’tO  thinkO  so.

 (6) 她上星期在哪裡?    
she last week?
WhereO  wasO  she last week?

 (7) 她上星期帶他和她去看電影。    
She to a movie with last .
She tookO  himO  to a movie with herO  last weekO  

 (8) 他們一直哭。(時態:過去式)    
They .
They keptO  cryingO  

 (9) 那太糟了。    
That bad.
That isO  tooO  bad.

 (10) 你覺得在我們家看DVD如何?    
How about a DVD house?
How about watchingO  a DVD inO  ourO  house?



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