
● 初級(D) - Lesson 5 - 造句

 (1) 今天是星期三。    
It's .
It's WednesdayO  

 (2) 他可以去游泳嗎?    
he go ?
CanO  he go swimmingO  

 (3) 他們必須留在家。    
They have to .
They have to stayO  homeO  

 (4) 他姊姊有一隻大狗。    
sister a big dog.
HisO  sister hasO  a big dog.

 (5) 他今天必須遛狗。    
He has to the dog today.
He has to walkO  the dog today.

 (6) 遛狗容易嗎?    
it easy to walk a dog?
IsO  it easy to walk a dog?

 (7) 不容易,因為他太矮了。    
is not easy because he too short.
ItO  is not easy because he isO  too short.

 (8) 他認為那隻狗甚至比老虎大。    
He that the dog even than a tiger.
He thinksO  that the dog isO  even biggerO  than a tiger.

 (9) 他們明天可以去游泳嗎?    
they go tomorrow?
CanO  they go swimmingO  tomorrow?

 (10) 他明天不必留在家。    
He have to stay home tomorrow.
He doesn'tO  have to stay home tomorrow.



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