
● 初級(C) - Lesson 9 - 造句

 (1) 他們回來了嗎?(時態:現在式)    
they back?
AreO  they back?

 (2) 他回來了。(時態:現在式)    
He back.
He isO  back.

 (3) 上學上得怎麼樣?(時態:過去式)    
HowO  wasO  school?

 (4) 你正在做什麼?    
you ?
WhatO  areO  you doingO  

 (5) 她做了什麼?    
she ?
WhatO  didO  she doO  

 (6) 他打了籃球。    
He basketball.
He playedO  basketball.

 (7) 她的老師打籃球打得很好!(時態:過去式)    
teacher basketball !
HerO  teacher playedO  basketball wellO  

 (8) 她的名字叫張淑貞嗎?    
her name Shu-zhen Chang?
IsO  her name Shu-zhen Chang?

 (9) 他們有名嗎?(時態:現在式)    
they famous?
AreO  they famous?

 (10) 他們以前都是國家隊的運動員。    
They players the national team before.
They wereO  players onO  the national team before.



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