
● 初級(C) - Lesson 5 - 造句

 (1) 她昨天病了。    
She sick yesterday.
She wasO  sick yesterday.

 (2) 他昨天沒有上學。    
He to school yesterday.
He didn'tO  goO  to school yesterday.

 (3) 他去了日本。    
He to .
He wentO  to JapanO  

 (4) 你打了電話給誰?    
did you ?
WhoO  did you callO  

 (5) 我打了電話給她的老師。    
I teacher.
I calledO  herO  teacher.

 (6) 你帶她去哪裡了?    
did you her?
WhereO  did you takeO  her?

 (7) 我帶她去看醫生。    
I her to a .
I tookO  her to seeO  a doctorO  

 (8) 醫生說她感冒了。    
The doctor she a cold.
The doctor saidO  she hadO  a cold.

 (9) 它是如此地嚴重以致於她這星期最好不要上學。    
was so serious that she not to school this week.
ItO  was so serious that she hadO  betterO  not goO  to school this week.

 (10) 她最好好好地休息。    
She had better a good .
She had better haveO  a good restO  



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