
● 初級(C) - Lesson 10 - 造句

 (1) 他昨天在哪裡?    
he yesterday?
WhereO  wasO  he yesterday?

 (2) 他喜歡昨晚在她家的晚餐。    
He the dinner her house last night.
He likedO  the dinner inO  her house last night.

 (3) 一切都很好:食物、音樂和跳舞。(時態:過去式)    
Everything the food, the and the dancing.
Everything wasO  good:O  the food, the musicO  and the dancing.

 (4) 你喜歡什麼?(時態:現在式)    
you like?
WhatO  doO  you like?

 (5) 他喜歡音樂嗎?(時態:現在式)    
he music?
DoesO  he likeO  music?

 (6) 她喜歡他的蛋糕。(時態:過去式)    
She cake.
She likedO  hisO  cake.

 (7) 他也喜歡他們的朋友們。(時態:過去式)    
He their friends.
He alsoO  likedO  their friends.

 (8) 他們是做什麼的?(時態:現在式)    
they ?
WhatO  doO  they doO  

 (9) 他們真地有個美好的時光。    
They really a good time.
They really hadO  a good time.

 (10) 很謝謝你。(時態:現在式)    
you very much.
ThankO  you very much.



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