
● 初級(B) - Lesson 9 - 造句

 (1) 她準備好點菜了嗎?    
she to order?
IsO  she readyO  to order?

 (2) 「ohenstri」是什麼?    
WhatO  isO  “ohenstri”?

 (3) 牠是一種出自Botaland的鳥。    
It a bird Botaland.
It isO  a bird fromO  Botaland.

 (4) 她覺得玉米濃湯如何?    
she corn soup?
HowO  doesO  she likeO  corn soup?

 (5) 牠們嚐起來像…雞肉!    
They chicken!
They tasteO  like…O  chicken!

 (6) 你喜歡雞肉嗎?    
you chicken?
DoO  you likeO  chicken?

 (7) 它們很美味。    
They delicious.
They areO  delicious.

 (8) 她每天喝可樂嗎?    
she Coke every day?
DoesO  she drinkO  Coke every day?

 (9) 她不吃雞肉。    
She chicken.
She doesn’tO  eatO  chicken.

 (10) 他想要玉米濃湯。    
He corn .
He wantsO  corn soupO  



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