
● 初級(B) - Lesson 7 - 造句

 (1) 我是一位舞者。    
I a dancer.
I amO  a dancer.

 (2) 我有一個哥哥和兩個姊姊。    
I a and two .
I haveO  a brotherO  and two sistersO  

 (3) 我現在是美國學校的學生。    
I a student the America School .
I amO  a student atO  the America School nowO  

 (4) 他們都不是學生。    
They students.
They areO  notO  students.

 (5) 你怎麼上學?    
you to school?
HowO  doO  you goO  to school?

 (6) 我每天上舞蹈課。    
I dance lessons every day.
I takeO  dance lessons every day.

 (7) 下午的時候,我上其他學科。    
the afternoon, I other school subjects.
InO  the afternoon, I takeO  other school subjects.

 (8) 我喜歡舞蹈。    
I dance.
I likeO  dance.

 (9) 我不喜歡電影。    
I movies.
I don’tO  likeO  movies.

 (10) 我喜歡我的學校生活。    
I school life.
I likeO  myO  school life.



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