
● 初級(B) - Lesson 5 - 造句

 (1) 那是他的狗嗎?    
that his dog?
IsO  that his dog?

 (2) 他有一隻狗嗎?    
he a dog?
DoesO  he haveO  a dog?

 (3) 牠很可愛。    
It cute.
It isO  cute.

 (4) 她叫牠什麼?    
she call it?
WhatO  doesO  she call it?

 (5) 她要帶牠去哪裡?    
she taking it?
WhereO  isO  she taking it?

 (6) 他們要帶牠去公園。    
They taking it to the park.
They areO  taking it to the park.

 (7) 她在公園做什麼?    
does she do the park?
WhatO  does she do inO  the park?

 (8) 他讓牠每天在公園裡跑。    
He it run the park.
He letsO  it run inO  the park.

 (9) 他可以和你去嗎?    
he with you?
CanO  he goO  with you?

 (10) 他喜歡狗。    
He dogs.
He likesO  dogs.



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