
● 初級(A) - Lesson 4 - 造句

 (1) 她是愛咪。    
She Amy.
She isO  Amy.

 (2) 她的爸爸媽媽都是老師。    
dad and mom teachers.
HerO  dad and mom areO  teachers.

 (3) 她弟弟兩歲。    
Her brother .
Her brother isO  twoO  

 (4) 她經常和帝姆玩。    
She often with Tim.
She often playsO  with Tim.

 (5) 他是她的朋友。    
He friend.
He isO  herO  friend.

 (6) 她每天騎腳踏車到公園。    
She a bike to a park every day.
She ridesO  a bike to a park every day.

 (7) 她在那裡玩球。    
She ball there.
She playsO  ball there.

 (8) 週末的時候,她讀書。    
weekends, she books.
OnO  weekends, she readsO  books.

 (9) 她是一位好學生。    
She good student.
She isO  aO  good student.

 (10) 我不是一位壞學生。    
I bad student.
I amO  notO  aO  bad student.



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